FHA is a member of the Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) which follows scientific research on any health concern linked to environmental contributors, which means everything besides hereditary factors that can impact health. We include social determinants of health under this umbrella, recognizing that poverty and other social stressors—along with chemical exposures, radiation and other factors—are all part of the environment in which we are born, grow and live.
CHE Toxicant and Disease Database
Research and Resources
The health outcomes listed below are those that CHE has focused on over the years due to the weight of the scientific evidence, organizational leadership in a particular sector and/or the scale of the public health impact. When you click on any one of these diseases or disabilities, you gain access to multiple resources that CHE provides as well as links to relevant materials on other key sites.
Birth Defects Research and Resources
Cardiovascular Disease Research and Resources
Children’s Health Research and Resources
Diabetes Research and Resources
Learning and Developmental Diseases Research and Resources